AEE TV presents ...
'What lockdown made of me'
At the beginning of 2020, Arts Education Exchange in collaboration with Margate Films launched a new
online ‘AEE TV’, a TV channel to amplify young people’s voices. The launch was aimed at young people
aged 18 - 30 living in Thanet giving them an opportunity to create film and video. Initially the group met
up weekly at Arts Education Exchange studio with filmmaker Beth Turrell to learn about the filmmaking
process with the aim of creating short films.
Lockdown meant that the group had to move to online learning, During these sessions the group learnt
about the process of filmmaking, watching and critiquing short films before progressing to making the
short film “What Lockdown made of me” as a response to the pandemic.
Participants identified people all over the UK to take part in the film, asking them how lockdown had
impacted them. The group then worked together over Zoom editing these pieces together and creating
the soundtrack.
The film was originally screened to an invited audience of friends, family and filmmakers and will be
available for general release on our youtube channel on 1st October 2020.
The film was edited by George Larman and directed, produced and filmed by Liam Wicks, Sarah Bean,
Sarah Furniss-Roe
With thanks to Emma Hall, Hughie Gavin, Kitten Von Mew, Abdulrahman Kamal for participating and
Colyer Fergusson for funding the programme.